Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
McRea Marketing Concept
I've got something very special for you today.
One of the true grandmasters of web traffic,
the "SEO Ninja" himself, Bill McRea is going
to be teaching a VERY select few individuals
how he can generate *UNSTOPPABLE* streams of
laser-targeted traffic... on total autopilot.
NOTE: This isn't for the general public.
I've only been authorized to mention it to
my best subscribers, customers and clients.
Some of the latest innovations in social
media marketing are too powerful for the
"average joe" and we're only looking for
a small group of folks who are ACTIVELY
searching for new ways to drive traffic.
After you see Bill's incredible *LIVE*
demonstration--you'll never think about
web traffic generation in the same way.
NO ONE knows about this stuff yet.
Bill is truly on the "cutting-edge."
You cannot afford to miss this event.
Go here and reserve your free ticket:
You CAN'T get this info anywhere else.
It's 100% genuine McRea Magic.
Pre-register your spot NOW--they're
going fast and could be gone already!
Friday, September 25, 2009
H1N1-Wabak ini semakin rakus! Sudahkah anda bersedia?
Kami harap anda dapat membaca informasi dibawah.
Ianya mungkin berguna dan bermanfaat buat anda.
Penularan wabak H1N1 yang melanda seluruh dunia dan negara kita,
Malaysia secara khususnya telah menyebabkan satu suasana yang amat
membimbangkan seluruh rakyat pada waktu ini. Ternyata virus kejam ini
tidak mengenal mangsa, samada tua atau muda, malah tidak tahu yang kaya
atau miskin seseorang itu. Sesungguhnya ini adalah satu ujian kepada kita.
Dalam hal ini, kami ingin merakamkan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga
yang telah kehilangan anggota keluarga mereka dalam siri serangan virus ini.
Semoga mereka akan terus memperkuatkan semangat dalam berhadapan dengan suasana
yang menekan ini. Kami amat bersimpati dan tidak dapat dibayangkan jika ianya
berlaku kepada ahli keluarga kita sendiri. Oleh itu, kami juga telah mengambil
langkah pencegahan yang sepatutnya.
Kami tahu, pada masa ini ramai yang ingin menghulurkan bantuan.
Tetapi, masalahnya vaksin bagi virus masih belum ditemui. Dan ianya
dijangka pada penghujung Oktober ini. Kami harap ramai yang masih mampu
bertahan pada masa ini. Disini juga kami ingin memberikan sebuah laporan
percuma berkaitan informasi virus H1N1 ini kepada anda.
Semoga ramai mendapat manfaat dari laporan percuma ini. Inilah yang mampu
kami bantu buat masa ini dengan menyediakan informasi yang diperlukan orang ramai.
anda boleh dapatkan disini:
(hanya perlu masukkan nama dan email, laporan ini akan dihantar terus ke email anda)
Jika anda juga merasakan informasi ini berguna,
sila edarkan kepada rakan-rakan anda.
Cara mengedarkannya ada disertakan dalam email yang akan diterima nanti.
Semoga bermanfaat...!
Bersama kita mencegah H1N1 ini...
RSS dan Fungsinya
RSS tu singkatan untuk Really Simple Syndication atau Rich Site Summary. Kalau tengok maksud RSS tu mesti tak berapa faham sangat kan? Hehe, jangan risau, saya pun dulu hadapi masalah yang sama. Bila dah baca blog2 orang lain, baru la tau apa guna RSS ni.
Saya bagi contoh. Katakan anda langgan RSS mana2 blog (contohnya blog Wanita & Komputer), anda boleh baca artikel2 di blog ini tanpa pergi ke blog ini. Woo, hebatnya!!! Sebabnya, penyedia RSS, Feedburner (sebagai contoh untuk blog Wanita & Komputer) akan hantar artikel2 yang ditulis, terus kepada anda.
Penting untuk anda tahu, untuk baca RSS ni, anda perlukan apa yang dikenali sebagai RSS reader. Boleh dikategorikan pada 2, jenis online atau offline. Jenis yang online, tak perlu install, hanya baca online seperti Bloglines atau Newsgator. Yang offline pula, perlu di-install dalam PC contohnya Ataupun, pergi saja ke Google dan taip RSS Reader dan guna mana saja yang anda berkenan
Yang menariknya, Feedburner ni, ada sediakan servis baca RSS melalui email. Saya pun suka fungsi ini, sebab kita memang hari2 buka email kan? (Itu saya lah ) Katakan anda langgan servis ini, Feedburner akan hantar artikel2 blog yang anda langgan, terus ke kotak email. Menarik kan? Hehe. Jadi, saya pun ada sediakan servis ni. Boleh tengok di sebelah kanan blog ini dan isi email anda. Mudah dan percuma saja pun.
Saya syorkan langgan RSS ni untuk orang yang jarang2 ada masa yang banyak untuk baca blog satu persatu. Jadi, bila anda ada masa, hanya buka RSS reader (atau email anda) untuk baca artikel2 yang dihantar. Jimatkan masa bukan? Tidaklah anda tertinggal artikel2 menarik di blog2 kegemaran anda.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Panduan Adsense Utk Domain
Friday, August 7, 2009
Di bayar utk jawab Survey
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Menjana pendapatan secara online
Modal hanya RM 20 sahaja!
register di:SINI
Friday, June 12, 2009
Youthsays bayar utk dapat komen
untuk register boleh mula dari pada link di bawah
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
2 Methods to Making Money Online Fast
The easiest and fastest technique to make money online is to find the talent that you have that is in high demand. If you think you have skills or are willing to gain a skill then it's without doubt that you have the skills to write and make a decent amount of money on that topic. Here are some of the highly demanded skills and talents I am talking about.
Writing is the one the biggest opportunities you have to make fast cash on the Internet. The primary reason of the Internet is to provide information and if you can do that your chances of making money online are outstanding. This is why search engines are designed to give the highest quality content from websites from first to last.
What opportunity do you think you have to make money online fast? Article writing, sales page writing, web page writing, and copy ad writing are just a few examples. You stand a great chance to make money online fast and on a regular basis if you can provide helpful information for others through these forms of writing.
Another way to make money online fast is to take advantage of an artistic or designing skill. If you possess these skills, a lot of companies will look for you to help them. You can use your talents to make banners, templates or other advertising graphic ads. This is a skill in high demand on the Internet that can you can use to make money online very quickly.
Any skill you have can be a big boost for you to serve the online community. The first thing you should do is research which skills will make you the most money online fast. You should determine a target market and the size of this market that you can provide your service to. Forums and discussion groups will allow you to pick apart your market and help you figure out what people want with that service.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
3 E-Book Percuma
Di sini saya nak beritahu ada 3 E-Book Percuma untuk anda yang melawat blog ini .
- Ikan Kecil Untuk Ikan Besar
- Duit Pantas Daripada Lelong
- 3 Idea Buat Duit Daripada Blog
3-Free E-Book
Friday, May 29, 2009
Quick and Easy Guide For Generating Traffic to Your Website
So you have set up your website, hosted it with a web hosting company and it's now live on the World Wide Web. The key question now is how do you generate traffic to your site?
There are various ways of promoting your site and generating traffic to your site. Let us look at some of these:
1. Use Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) involves getting your website picked up as high as possible in search engine results pages. Examples of such search engines are Google, Yahoo, Msn etc.
A search engine is a site that enables a user to search for information by entering a term, clicking a button and enabling a database containing information on millions of websites to return a page of results in response to the query.
A large number of people around the world use Google nowadays, and getting your site ranked up there when anyone types in key words relating to your business is very likely to generate traffic to your site.
2. Have linkages of your site on other sites
Linking strategy is an important part of generating traffic to your site. One way of doing this is to get other sites to link to you by offering to them and asking the other site to return the favour. You can offer the other site tips or very interesting content that they want to send visitors to your site.
You can also pay for other sites to link to you. If the other site is well established or when you type in your key words on the search engine it always comes up first, then it might be beneficial linking your site to that site.
You could link to websites of companies that are your partners, sites with industry information and also web sites about products that are used with your own. With such linkages, you can attract potential customers to your site.
3. Buy Traffic
Google Adwords, Yahoo sponsored search and other companies can connect you with potential customers by offering a Pay per click service. The way this works is that you have a list of key words that is applicable to your website and your business.
You then buy these keywords on search engines which help to make sure that your website is listed on the first page when someone searches for words that are relevant to your website.
The thing here is budget, because most websites will charge more for the most popular keywords.
If you are looking to find useful keywords for your site, then Google Adsense is one of the largest online advertising programs that you can use.
4. Promote your website with social networking sites
This is another way in which you can drive traffic to your site. Luckily, the likes of Facebook, twitter, myspace, friendster etc. can make your job a whole lot easier.
What you do here is register and build a community of online friends and include your web address in your online profile. This potentially can help drive traffic to your site, as far as you are not overly pushy about it.
5. Join forums and Discussion groups
This is an indirect way of potentially generating traffic to your site. What you do is take part actively in forums and discussion groups. There are many of them out there, all you need to do is look for the forums and discussion boards that are relevant to your website or business and join.
When you participate in forums or discussion boards, you have to be seen to be someone that gives honest answers to questions posed by other people in the forum or discussion board.
You can include a link to your site when someone asks a question on the forum or discussion board that you feel you know the answer to, or that your products or services on your website can answer the question.
Just asking people directly to visit your website can get you banned from the forum or discussion board, so be aware of that.
Generating traffic to your website is something you should constantly be working on, on a day to day basis.
Even the top search engine optimisation organisations come up with hundreds or thousands of key words and then they track the results of these key words to see which ones customers click on the most and which to cancel off.
This is also a strategy you can use, because you only get charged on the key words that were clicked on.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Make Money From Blogging - 5 Ways to Start Earning From Your Blog
Blogging for profit is not always the first thing on your mind when you set out to start a blog but it is always nice to know the options that are available to you. Making some extra income from your blogging efforts will certainly reward you for the time and effort you put into maintaining your blog and here are my favourite ways I monetize my blogs.
1. Become an affiliate and add banners to your blog.
One of the easiest ways to start earning from your blog is to join an affiliate program and add some banners to your blog. The best converting banners will be those that closely match your blogs topic. You should only place a few banners in optimal places on your blog, don't overdo it as this will turn your readers off. You can find affiliate programs in your niche by typing 'niche name' + 'affiliate program' in a search engine; this will look like this for the dog behaviour niche - 'dog behaviour affiliate program'.
2. Let your readers know you having advertising slots available.
This is a great way of letting your community of readers know that you allow for personal advertising requests. The best way to do this is to add an 'Advertising' section on your contact page or subpage. Give as much information as possible and sell your space; example: Advertising on our homepage for 30 days for the one-time low price of $47. You can also offer 3 months advertising for the price of 2 to get you started.
3. Add Google Adsense.
This is a popular method of adding a revenue stream to a blog. Register for your very own Google Adsense account and then simply plug the code into your blogs theme where you would like the Adsense ads to be displayed. The best converting ads will fit will with your theme by having matching colors and be discretely placed. Word of warning: never ever click on your own Adsense ads as you will get your account suspended.
4. Review products and websites.
This is one of the best ways to earn from your blog and can be a natural progression for anyone who has a long established blog. Review a product or website that interests you and your readers (and also fits in with your blogs topics), and add your affiliate link for your readers to click-through if they wish to read more or make a purchase. Honest reviews will convert best, you cannot love every product your review!
5. Monetize your RSS feed.
This tip is one of the best revenue earners for most bloggers. Add ads to your RSS feed. You can do this easily using Feedburner which is owned by Google. Let Feedburner manage your RSS feeds and then merge your Feedburner account with your Adsense account. You'll be surprised at the click-throughs you get from this method.
Get started today, and start making money from your blog.
Five Ways to Get Return Visitors to Your Blog
It's not good enough to create an attractive blog and hope that people will want to come back to it again and again. You want to be able to develop a readership and the following five points will go a long way to accomplishing that for you. Here they are, in no particular order. Each one is very important.
Never underestimate the power of your Title. This is your opportunity to really capture the interest of your reader. You want to give enough information that the visitor to your blog is going to know what to expect from your post. That being said, you then want to deliver on that title. Nothing will make a person not want to return to your site, than the feeling that they were cheated. Most peoples time is precious these days, and they don't want to feel that you have wasted it.
If you are anything like me, then you tend to keep on writing long after you should have stopped. This is something I have to work on regularly. So this tip is to let you know that the post should be kept between 300 and 600 words. This translates into about a page of typing. You have to realize that you are not going to be able to go in depth on your subject matter but you still want to provide some substance, so that the reader feels that they have benefitted.
Most readers like things that are written in a simple style and format. You wouldn't want to use fancy terminology that hardly anyone would understand. It's also important that your spelling and grammar is correct. Don't only rely on spellcheck. Physically proofread it out loud to yourself. When you do this, you get to hear the flow of the post. You want to word it as if you were talking to the person face to face. Don't have your type all bunched up. Spread things out so that there is some white space dispersed throughout the page.
It's very important to have a regular schedule of adding posts to your blog. If you have visitors who have enjoyed your writings and they come back a week or so later and don't find any additional information, they might not try back again. Create a plan on how often you are going to add to your blog and let your readers know that if they come back, say every week, then they will find new and interesting material. You have to give them a reason to return. It's certainly not necessary to post daily but posting regularly is.
Make sure that your blog has a section for comments. The idea is to develop relationships so you want to invite your reader to interact with you. Unless the comment is spammy, then you should always reply to all the comments that are left for you. You want to get to know your readers and find out their interests. You might get some great ideas for subjects to blog about. Give them what they are interested in and they will come back again and again. Be warm and enthusiastic and let them know how you appreciate them spending their time to visit your site.
Follow these five suggestions and you will have a blog that people will come back to time and time again.
Tips to Get Your Blogging Articles Read Every Time
When you want to make money with your blog, and are putting in the time and effort to write articles for content for your profit blog, you want to be sure they are being read. Here are some tips to be sure your articles are being read every time making your efforts well invested.
One thing to remember is most people don't want to read an article that is so long and involved, it seems like work to the reader.
It goes without saying, make your articles as interesting as you can, while at the same time getting your message across, and providing your reader information that will benefit him or her in some way.
To make sure your articles are read and enjoyed by your readers/potential customers, here are some tips to be sure it happens every time:
Write in shorter paragraphs. Longer paragraphs may seem too complicated and time consuming to a reader that's in a hurry.
Use numbering or better yet, bullets. This layout will help your reader retain what they are reading and sometimes bullets give the information you are conveying "more impact".
Use sub-headers to break up your paragraphs. Usually these sub-headers will be in bold print.
Make the title and sub-headers of your article as attention grabbing and interesting as possible. This will keep your reader going all the way to the end of your article. An example of an attention grabbing title would be "How to Improve Your Love Life Now".
If you are good at telling stories, you can tell a story that happened in your experience as it relates to your blog theme. Make this story enjoyable and a pleasure for your reader, but don't make it any longer than it needs to be.
If you include facts or statistics in your articles, do your homework and be sure they are accurate. Credibility is important to the success of your profit blog.
The goal of your profit blog is to make money and in order to accomplish that goal, you always want to make your blog as interesting and engaging as you can. The accepted standard on the number of visits a reader/customer will make to your blog is 4 to 7 times before they will actually make a purchase, so you want to keep them coming back.
Blog Cash - How to Generate It
Blogging may seem very high school stuff to many people. What they do not realize is that there is serious money that can be made out of blogging. The only upkeep is that you have to continue writing so you drive more traffic on your web page or blog page. To do this, you essentially have to pick a niche for your blog site. If you want to specialize in pets, then your blog site should be about pets. If you want to specialize about fiction and other literary works, then focus on it. This way, you maintain essential keyword and traffic to your site.
Next, how do you really make blog cash out of your online journal? One way is to use the advertising system offered by many companies out there. The way it works is simple. All you have to do is to advertise a company or product in your website or web page. You do not even have to contact the actual company to ask if they want to advertise on your site. There are many third party companies out there that have reserves of advertisements. All they are waiting for are website or blog site owners that are willing to offer ad posts. An extension of advertising is also called pay-per-click. The advertisements will still be on your website but you will only be paid by unique clicks from different users.
The other option where one can make blog cash is to use affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are also like advertisement. The way it works is also very simple. A company will advertise on your blog site. Whenever somebody clicks the link of that company from your web page and proceeds to a sale, the company that advertised on your site will pay you a commission. The main challenge here is that you should make sure that the affiliate programs you enroll in should have the same niche as your blog site. If your blog is about pets, you should not enroll in affiliate programs that sell t-shirts.
Keep in mind that you cannot just let your blog go dead, as is always said, by not publishing new articles. The more active you are in writing, the more likely search engines will pick your blog site if someone searches a topic on your particular niche.
Internet Marketing Strategies - What Do I Blog About?
What do you write about in your blog? First, you really want to be posting to your blog every day. This is simply to get in the habit of communicating with the public...people in your niche...on a daily basis. That is one of reasons that I suggest you email your list daily. So here is a little tip for of my favorite internet marketing strategies is leverage...or "repurposing" your you can modify your emails a little bit and use them as blog posts...and if are emailing your list every day as I suggest, well, presto-chango! You have emails and blog posts all done!
Write about anything
When you write, you can write your thoughts...your opinions...your reaction to a a a world event. You know, you can do all sorts of cool stuff, and I highly recommend that you do.
Write every day
The biggest point is to post in your blog every single day...even if your topic is gardening and it rained all day and you didn't get out to the garden. So you can just say, "You know what? I'm pretty depressed today because it was raining all day and I was really looking forward to going out and working in my garden, and I got to tell you, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I'm hoping the weather's going to be better. So, I don't have anything good to say about gardening today. All I can say is when it rains you should probably stay inside and read a book."
And then sign off. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, it's way better than not putting anything on your blog that day. And it literally can be that quick. You can do this in less than five minutes on a regular basis.
Relate it to your niche
Whatever you write about...have it be related in some way, shape or form to the main topic of your blog, or the niche in the list that you're building.
That's one of the most important things--sometimes people just get on a completely random tangent that literally has no correlation, no connection whatsoever, to the list that they're trying to build, to the audience that they're trying to serve, to the products that they're trying to sell.
Remember, you're blogging about you...but a blog is also about your customers, about your subscribers--your blog is about your traffic. Your blog is about people who are interested in your topic.
So, you want to be interacting with people in your niche and marketplace on a regular-even daily basis. Get into that habit-even if it is just a sentence! Write about anything that interests long as you can relate it to your niche. Repurpose your content and blog regularly...there you have two awesome internet marketing strategies that just make a huge, huge difference.
How to Start Generating a Blog Income Working Part-Time
I first started my Internet business while working full-time for a large corporate company. I wanted a "safety net" in case the company started to downsize and make people redundant. By starting my business part-time, I knew I was building something that I could rely on, if that were to happen.
I worked long hours as I was in a senior position in the company. But that didn't stop me putting in many hours each week to make my Internet business take off.
I would listen to or read about Internet strategies while travelling to and from work.
I would work in the evenings.
I would work at weekends.
My wife gave me 100% support.
I started to look at Affiliate Marketing and blogging. Everyone was blogging!
Affiliate Marketing is where you don't even have to have your own product. You make a percentage of the sale price by selling someone else's product or service. The percentage ranges from 5% to 100%. However I recommend only going for products that give you over 50% commission.
You might be thinking that you have to sell a lot of other peoples products to make it worth your while. This might be true. It was for me. I was working all the hours I possibly could and still making no income - well hardly anything to write about. I dare not work out what my hourly rate was. I bet it was less than $1.
Would you work for less than a $1 an hour?
But I was determined and I thought like any new venture, sometimes things start slowly and then pick up speed when you have a little experience and confidence with what you're doing.
It was a slow progress but remember I was only doing this part-time, in the evenings and weekends.
Then I reminded myself I had the comfort of a full-time job and I was learning about Affiliate Marketing and blogging, making a little income (on the side) and actually enjoying it.
You could do exactly the same.
Just find a few hours each week and get started. You could start earning a little extra while learning a new skill. It could be the start of your 'get out of the 9-5' plan.
And, think, no travelling. You can do this within the comfort of your own home.
I am not saying you will become super-rich. I am not saying it's easy.
Unlike some of those adverts you see.
For example, "Follow my steps, earn $100k a month for 2 hours work a day all for just $97".
If someone could guarantee and show me how to do that, I would gladly give them a $500k bonus. We all would wouldn't we?
So as I say, you are not going to become super-rich, overnight, via Affiliate Marketing or blogging but you could earn a little extra to pay a bill or two.
How do you start? Set yourself some goals. How many hours could you work each week? How much extra, realistically, would you like to earn?
Set up one website, one blog and market one affiliate product per month.
Add valid and interesting content to your blog, promote your blog, get your blog ranked well in the search engines and that one blog / product may make you affiliate marketing commissions that might just surprise you.
Then the following month set up another blog and start another Affiliate Marketing campaign.
You can either add another similar affiliated product to your blog or start a totally new affiliate campaign in a different niche with a new blog and new product.
Just imagine, within six months, you could be promoting and selling 6 different products, on 6 different blogs and all providing you with a nice blog income.
Now, let me be honest and straight...your first or second product may not sell very well, but you have to keep on going.
Don't be like many other individuals and give up.
It's not uncommon for hard working Internet Marketers to start out with one blog and expand to several more very quickly, with some people actually owning dozens of blogs, each focused on a specific niche and type of product. This approach can earn you a nice big blog income.
And, of course, the more you earn, the more you can invest back into growing your Affiliate Marketing commissions to make an even bigger blog income. That may generate more visitors to your sites, more commissions and it can become a nice extra income.
So where do you go to find products to promote and sell?
I started off at ClickBank.
You sign-up, you choose your product to promote, you write a review of the product and add the link to your site. ClickBank does the rest. Two weeks later you get a check with your sales commissions. ClickBank do take a small commission but it's worth it. Everything is automatic and completed for you.
Another great thing with ClickBank is that you can track statistics like how many people purchased, who has purchased and your commissions.
That way you can see if a product is selling or not. If not, simply move on and start a new campaign with a different product and blog.
You may not become rich via your new blog income but if you simply want a little extra cash each month, try working from home with Affiliate Marketing and blogging.